Walk With Me

In an attempt (a somewhat successful one at that) to mitigate and allow for unfettered indulgence in my first reason for travel, which is food, I have added a second rationale. The walk. Indeed I have indulged myself in the French and Italian countryside, in Brussels and Bruge, in Paris and Zurich, and paid a smallish price and even wrung out some return from a copious amount of walking. This had lead to many discoveries and confirmations, the completion of foolishly assigned but rewarding tasks and the viewing of the most ancient sites and the most compelling vistas. All as the price paid for a hearty and fulsome meal.

I really think this is the balanced life style they have been trying to recommend to all of us. I mean in my hometown of Brooklyn, there are walks not to be believed. And I can concoct meals that fit the same bill. I think the association between the two is going to serve me quite well. And I will gladly share the experiences with you.