When I Went To San Miguel de Allende To Study Art

As I awoke, I clearly remembered the events and the em motions but not the names. In my dream I had seen once again the time I spent in San Miguel de Allende and remembered how much the fate of one man I had met there had moved me, made me wonder about how we connect and how we could possibly forget each other. That I could not remember the names was disturbing but it didn’t really diminish how important these other memories were to me.

Precipitation Local

I was confronted today in the Metropolitan Art Museum bookstore with a fairly large collection of travel essay books. I was struck by the fact that many of them were essays collected from the 20’s, 30’s, 50’s and 60’s. All about places that have changed markedly in the 80’s and 90’s.

The French Vanilla

This is already posted to the Adventurous Appetite site. It is the beginnings of an article that will touch on the history oof vanilla, the origin of french vanilla and the evil uses I have put french vanilla ice cream to as a breakfast ingredient. Recipes for oatmeal, french toast, omelette and muffins to follow

Flock and My Blog

If this is a tool that can actually be understood by WordPress, I will be dancing around my apt. This means contact at least for drafts where ever I am. I would like that. i know I have that contact with any browser i choose to use and just connect to the wordpress installation and…